Hortensia, I agree. It's a hornet's nest of a problem and we don't have the correct spray to shoot at it from a safe distance either.
Learned behavior, yes, but fueled by that domineering facet of their persona. Without the control freak factor, they wouldn't have done what they've done. Many, many more women have been victims than there are perps, yet the majority percentage of SO's is not comprised of the female gender.
BTW, all the s.o.b.'s that molested us are dead now. Only one stepuncle remains and he didn't molest me. He DID however recognize that they lied about me. And kept his mouth shut.
At my stepfather's funeral, which my daughter and I attended, hoping for a chance afterward to p*ss on his grave, that stepuncle invited me to come over to visit with him and his wife. I didn't go.